Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Marvelous Steampunk Modeler

I recently discovered this Steampunk modeler and bloger's work and thought I'd share it with you. Colonel O'Truth's Miniature Issues is the blog of a New Zealand hobbyist who recently complete the above model, adding it to an already impressive collection of beautifully-rendered Victorian science fiction gizmos. Here is a link to the specific blog entry describing the above monster, along with lots of detail close-up photos. It has over 3,000 individually-mounted rivets! Madness! But a fine madness indeed.

I've added his blog as permanent addition to the links. Lots of fun stuff here.


  1. Very cool indeed, Harvard. He has other great Victorian science fiction models there as well -- for example a Galvanic Faraday Field Gun which is very nice and would do good service as a lightning cannon in Space: 1889. Of course they are all one-off originals, but there are lots of good ideas here to get other modelers (including me) inspired.

  2. I've watched the good Colonel's project unfold with admiration over these many months. Superb work, and so much patience to complete it.

  3. I too have admired the Colonel's not inconsequential efforts over more than one snifter of Brandy! No doubt Her Majesty will appropriately recognise his contributions to the security of the Realm in due course!

  4. The Colonel has another new project started already. You should avidly follow this. He builds faster than most people can draft a design. Excellent quality. When I win the lottery, I am hiring him to do all my toys.

    1. I that case, I hope I win the lottery before you do. How pointless to win and then discover he's booked indefinitely. Reminds me of the professional baseball player who went broke and when asked what he'd done with all the money he'd made, he said, "I spent half of it on wine, women, and and song, and I wasted the other half."

  5. Cool, an AT-AT is nothing against this Walker! ;)
