Monday, April 9, 2012

Upcoming Mars Needs Steam Convention Games

I'll be running Mars Needs Steam at two conventions in the coming month, both in the mid-west.

The weekend of April 27/28/29 I will be at Little Wars, sponsored by the Historical Miniature Gaming Society (HMGS) Mid-west chapter, at the DuPage Expo Center in St. Charles, Illinois (Chicago-land) . Tom Harris and I will run a big Mars Needs Steam game. Heres the link to their website.

The following weekend, May 4/5/6 I will be out at Kansas Ciy, KS at Border Wars, sponsored by HMGS Heart of America. I'll be attending that show with my old pal Duke Seifried, where we'll be the convention's special guests. We'll run a big refight of the Battle of Borodino from 1812 (it's the centennial, after all) using his beautiful figures and terrain and my Volley & Bayonet rules on Saturday, but on Friday I'll be running Mars Needs Steam, probably with him sitting in as a co-referee, or color commentator. Here's the link to their website.

If you're in the area, why not stop in and play a game or two or just have a look?


  1. I'll be in Chicago the week before. Darn it!

    Any chance you'll have it at Historicon?

    1. Yes, we plan to have a nice big demo game at Historicon. See you there.

    2. If all goes to plan, I'll be seeing you there.

  2. Pictures, lots of pictures please for those of us in foreign lands ;)

  3. Wish I could attend, but its hard to justify the trip from Sydney :-)

    So I echo the good Mssr Knight in his call above for pictographic goodness of the events!

    1. It is hard to justify the trip from Sydney this summer -- unless you think the world is actually going to end in December. Then it's pretty easy. Not that I think that -- just sayin'.

  4. Can't wait for the KC show!
