Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Character Art from the German Space 1889 Game

The German Space 1889 role-playing game will be released later this year by Uhrwerk Verlag and here is a sneak peek at two of the character archtype illustrations: the female scientist and the gentleman adventurer. I love this artwork! If the rest of the game is to this standard (and that of the other material I've seen) this will definitely be a winner.

These were posted by Patric Goetz of Uhrwerk Verlag on the new Space: 1889, Science Fiction Roleplaying In a More Civilized Age Facebook page. I've added that to the links section (as Space 1889 RPG, because the full title wouldn't fit). The page was just started within the last month or so but is active and will probably see a lot of news of upcoming products as well as discussions about the game. Worth a look.


  1. Well done - that is great looking art!

  2. It sure is. Can't wait to see the rest.

  3. Yeah, that are some nice pics. Do you know the ships? It`s from the facebook-page of the Uhrwerk-Verlag. I love this artwork. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/416981_10150647686334544_281617929543_9065039_1491669758_n.jpg

    1. Yes, I've seen those as well. Very nicely done. I really am looking forward to the final product.

    2. I love the Airships, too; But I'm really looking forward to the Ether-Ships ;)

  4. I love it, I'd love to see the RPG system behind it

    1. The rules behind this RPG will be the Ubiquity-System (The system of Hollow Earth Expedition).
      (Well, I like this system... ;) )

  5. Patric talked a little about it on the Space 1889 RPG page. You might follow the link in the main section to that and see what he had to say.

  6. Will there be an English Language version? My German is non-existant. Also, will have the changes that you made to the background in it?

    1. If the German language version is as good as I expect, and is well-recieved, there is an excellent chance of an English language version. An English language version will certain reflect the expanded background.

    2. I, for one, would love an English version. The Ubiquity-system is a fun engine and would be a perfect fit for this setting.

    3. Tim, your vote has been counted. :^)

  7. Some great artwork!I've been playing your system since it first came out, it has led my down some interesting roads:

  8. What a coincidence! It's led me down some interesting roads as well.

    Interesting idea you have there in your blog of joining the Space: 1889 world with Ming the Merciless -- planet Mongo entering the solar system about forty years earlier. I know some gamers in Kansas City with huge Flash Gordon collections and pretty big Space: 1889 collections as well who need to have a look at this.

    1. LOL, as most of my friends have said and I quote"It's so cracked it just might work".
      My idea was this would take place after Mars
      was more or less conquered so about 1890 to 1910.
      In my campaign world WWI didn't happen in 1914,
      it would happen in the mid to late 1920s (without
      Mongo). I could see where planet Mongo in orbit between Earth and Mars would make for some interesting games....)

  9. As a German Space:1889-Fan I'm really happy:
    The new German Core-Rulebook of "Space:1889" is almost finished and the "Uhrwerk-Verlag" has already announced a first Sourcebook about the Venus and the Mercury (Books about the Earth, the Mars and a book about the technology are planned,too)!

    1. Can't wait to see this myself. Very exciting stuff.
