Here's a good Space: 1889 miniatures blog by Keith Frye, combining battle reports with conversions, painting tips, and reviews of Space: 1889-suitable figures, all with good photos. It's called Burning Sands of Sytris Major. Snappy title.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
A Nice Space: 1889 Minitures Blog
Here's a good Space: 1889 miniatures blog by Keith Frye, combining battle reports with conversions, painting tips, and reviews of Space: 1889-suitable figures, all with good photos. It's called Burning Sands of Sytris Major. Snappy title.
Monday, August 20, 2012
On Villains

For starters, let me say that as a reader I have no patience with cardboard cutout villains, who are evil for evil's sake and whose principal motivation (that I can see) is to give the protagonist an excuse to whup up on the villain's legions of loyal minions. Why they are so loyal to this psycho is often a mystery worth considering, but that's usually the smallest problem I have with that sort of story.
For me, stories really work well when the villain is as interesting as the protagonist -- maybe even more so. Think of how many really great stories were made great by the stature of their villains: Hannibal Lector in The Silence of the Lambs, Captain Ahab in Moby Dick, Iago in Othello, Dracula in Dracula, and for that matter Media in Media. So I see a four-fold challenge facing authors when it comes to their villains.
Challenge One: What do They Want?
Protagonists have over-arching goals. Villains do as well. What is their life goal? What end-state do they seek? Most importantly, why do they seek it? For their goal and motivation to be engaging it seems to me they have to see themselves as the heroes, the good guys. From their point of view, this is their story. I think the film Open Range is one of the five or ten best westerns of all time, and part of that is due to the villain (Denton Baxter) played by Michael Gambon. In a different story, perhaps one set a decade or two earlier and dealing with "taming the savage west," he'd be the hero. The fact that he's lived past his usefulness and has been unable or unwilling to adapt to changing times makes him definitely a bad guy, but one with some tragic aspects as well. How different is he from the protagonists of The Wild Bunch, or even Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?
Challenge Two: What Do They Have To Do To Get What They Want?
This is a bit more mechanical than the above but still involves some artistry, as well as the need to tie the villain's actions into the genre. Ideally the villain's necessary actions should be the window to the genre. In Open Range the villain's goals -- protect what's his -- manifest themselves in the struggle between fenced in pasturage and free-range cattle drives, and so show us an issue at the center of a turning point in the history of the west. In a science fiction story the villain's methods should be at the heart of the scientific curiosity of the story.
Challenge Three: Why Are The Villain's Actions So Potentially Catastrophic The Hero Must Stop Them At All Costs?
This is a tough one, but it becomes the heart of the story. It is the essence of the story's conflict and ultimately separates the hero from the villain. Since it's the heart of the novel, how big the conflict is determines the scope of the novel itself. If what's at stake is the hero's life, okay. We understand a person wants to survive in the face of a deadly threat, but that doesn't make them a hero, does it? That's not that big a story. Does the villain threaten other folks we care about? Bigger story. Does the villain threaten a way of life? Bigger story still. Is justice on the line? Is truth on the line? Will something of value to mankind be lost forever? These are bigger issues, and make the story itself bigger.
James Scott Bell defines a novel as "the story of how a character deals with the threat of death." The issue may be physical death but, as I noted above, that's often the least involving motivation for readers. But there are many forms of death. Professional death from failure in the character's chosen career. Emotional death from the loss of loved ones. Moral death from the betrayal of the character's core values. Spiritual death from the loss or abandonment of the character's defining principle or faith. Psychological death from the loss of sanity (see H. P. Lovecraft). Death of pride. Death of happiness. Death of hope. All are more involving than the simple issue of physical survival. What the villain threatens constitutes the stakes of the novel, and the bigger the stakes, the more engrossing the story.
Challenge Four: It All Has To Make Sense
This one, ironically, is the toughest of them all. A villain who has a giant organization working with him and whose goal is to destroy the world makes no sense. He's actually in the world. What does he get out of this deal? And yet you see this over and over. A human who betrays his race to alien exterminating conquerors "for power" makes no sense. Power over what? Power over whom? But you see this as well.
More subtly, the way the villain goes about achieving his goal has to be the most logical and sensible approach (at least for him). If he's going to set off an atomic bomb in New York City when he could as easily achieve his goal by robbing a convenient store, that's a problem.
There's a pretty good Denzel Washington film about a runaway train, called "Unstoppable." The villain is a senior executive at the railroad who will not listen to the voices of reason and experience and mishandles the attempts to solve the runaway train problem. But he isn't stupid; he's an experienced railroad man who's simply so used to being the smartest guy in the room he can't credit anyone's ideas but his own. So far so good.
So at one point he gets another engine in front of the runaway train to slow the train to the point that a replacement engineer can be lowered onto it from a helicopter. The train can't be slowed quite enough, the replacement engineer on the cable gets smashed through a window and seriously injured, and other bad things happen. It's a very dramatic and exciting sequence, but ruined (for me) by one nagging question: why not put the replacement engineer in the engine in front of the runaway train, so when they matched speeds and effectively coupled to it, he could just step from one engine walkway to the other? Remember, the villain isn't stupid, but in this case he is required to act as if he is simply so the story can go on. Not very satisfactory writing, in my opinion.
There are few things more annoying to me than a plot propelled forward primarily by the stupidity of the villain, unless (as in the film Fargo) that's kind of the point of the story. So the hardest part of all this, in my opinion, is making all these moving parts fit together as if this is the only way in the world they possibly could. If you can pull that off, that is good writing.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Brits Are Here From Highlander Studios
Rod of Highlander Studios released his first British 15mm Space: 1889 infantry at Historicon, the British Firing Line. As nice as his personality figures are, the bulk of the figures you'll put on the table will be grunts, and you can't have a proper army without the Poor Bloody Infantry. Here are two looks at the new castings.
Front view. I love the detail and annimation on these figures, as good as a lot of 28mm.
Back view. This shows the detailing of the kit nicely.
Here's the link to the Highlander Studios Space: 1889 online store.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Video Look at the New German Space: 1889
Uhrwerk Verlag has released the limited-edition hardcover version of their new Space: 1889 game. The general market version should be close on its heels. Here is a nice video preview of the game from their web site. It's in German, of course, but you can enjoy the pictures.
Here's a link.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Conspiracy of Silence is Live!
Conspiracy of Silence, the first book in the second season of Space: 1889 and Beyond, is now live. I just got this email from Jay Hartman, Editor-in-Chief of Untreed Reads Publishing:
Conspiracy of Silence has officially gone live! It's available for immediate purchase and download from:
The Untreed Reads Store ( (6 countries) (
Apple's iBookstore (32 countries)
Barnes and Noble (worldwide) (new retailer for Space: 1889 & Beyond!)
Lightning Source (North American distributor)
We are in the process of sending out the coupon code for all of the people who purchased the Season Two Pass.
Mars Needs Steam at CelestiCon
I'll be attending the CelestiCon Game Convention out in San Francisco (actually Fremont, CA, but close enough) over the Labor Day weekend. This is my second year as guest of honor at the convention and I look forward to it as more fun than work. It's a great part of the country and a very friendly convention staff and crowd -- all very welcoming.
I'll be running Mars Needs Steam as well as Men Under Fire (my new World War II skirmish rules) along with a lot of help with troops and terrain from Rick Schuldt. When it comes to terrain and troops, Rick's a true artist. We're shipping a number of vehicles and special units out, however, so some of the Mars Needs Steam game will look at least a little familiar.
I'm also giving a couple talks while I'm out there, one on Secrets of the Battle of Borodino (along with old friend Dana Lombardy) and the other on my revisionist and (I am sometimes told) controversial views on Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire. I also just got word that Dave Nilsen, one of the old crew from Game Designers' Workshop and just about the best game designer/developer I ever worked with, will be there as well. If you're in the area it's definitely a show to attend. Hope to see you.
Here's a link to the convention homepage.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Last Chance For A Season Pass
I know this isn't a lot of warning, but today's the last shot at a season pass from Untreed Reads for the second season of Space 1889 and Beyond.. All six books for only $17.00. It's a great deal. Here's the link. Make tracks while you still can. The offer ends at midnight Pacific time.
Mars Needs Steam Pictures From Historicon
As you knowm, we ran two very big Mars Needs Steam games at Historicon. You've seen a lot of pictures of the various Mars Needs Steam games we've run so I'll try to concentrate on new things in these pictures.
Now here's something you don't see every day on Mars -- a stern-wheeler river boat. Since we added a canal to this game, it seemed approriate that the North American contingent (a joint US-Canadian force) would arrive in style.
Speaking of the Canadians and style, the Canadian contingent was a detachment of "Amazonians," dismounted hussars of the feminine persuasion. The figures are too nice to resist. I forget the manufacturer but will find out and add it to the comment section of this post later.
We added a British Martian Colonial contingent to this game, complete with gashaant-mounted lancers supported by a detachment of the Parhoon Rifles, all from RAFM. Very nice!
We now have models for all of the encounters and wonders, which is not essential but adds a lot to thr visual appeal. Here a unit of Martians have encountered the legendary Ohnam Reekh, a very large burrowing animal. Actually killing it, and bringing back proof of its existence, is worth pretty good victory points -- provided you survive the experience.
This gives you a look at a couple of the new terrain pieces Glenn Kidd did for the game, The foreground shows a smaller feature with several "chimney" towering peaks, while in the background is a very cool plateau with hanging vegetation. You can also see one of the two "shark boat" flyers which made an appearance in the game.
Here's a closer view of one of the two Shark flyers. I kit-bashed these almost twenty years ago from the hull of a light siling vessel, a superstructure built up from sheet styrene, and the tail of a WW I spad. The forward deck gun was from the old Houston line. They still look pretty cool to me. We called them sharks because, despite the odd-sounding mix of parts, they do have a sort of graceful shark-like shape.
More encounter monsters, this time several flying predators attacking a party of Martian shield gunners. The flying predators, looking a bit like alien manta rays -- which is just about perfect for Mars in Space: 1889 -- are from the old Grenadier Models Traveller animals set. There are a lot of useful alien critters in that boxed set, if you can find it on ebay.
American Marines have stormed ashore from the Martian Queen and are now pushing inland. Note the steam tractor standing by as a towing vehicle for the Amazonian gun crew (only one figure visible at the far right).
Having captured a village, the Amazonian infantry and field gun deploy to defend the North American beachhead. The barge used to bring their heavy vehicles is visible beached in the background. Actually, the attack wasn't long in coming. Pretty much everyone in range decided to beat up on the Americans.
Starting with the Russians.
Meanwhile the French Turcos, in true light infantry style, scrambled up a jagged mountain and uncovered the fossilized remains of a large but unknown species of Martian animal.
Now here's something you don't see every day on Mars -- a stern-wheeler river boat. Since we added a canal to this game, it seemed approriate that the North American contingent (a joint US-Canadian force) would arrive in style.
Speaking of the Canadians and style, the Canadian contingent was a detachment of "Amazonians," dismounted hussars of the feminine persuasion. The figures are too nice to resist. I forget the manufacturer but will find out and add it to the comment section of this post later.
We added a British Martian Colonial contingent to this game, complete with gashaant-mounted lancers supported by a detachment of the Parhoon Rifles, all from RAFM. Very nice!
We now have models for all of the encounters and wonders, which is not essential but adds a lot to thr visual appeal. Here a unit of Martians have encountered the legendary Ohnam Reekh, a very large burrowing animal. Actually killing it, and bringing back proof of its existence, is worth pretty good victory points -- provided you survive the experience.
This gives you a look at a couple of the new terrain pieces Glenn Kidd did for the game, The foreground shows a smaller feature with several "chimney" towering peaks, while in the background is a very cool plateau with hanging vegetation. You can also see one of the two "shark boat" flyers which made an appearance in the game.
Here's a closer view of one of the two Shark flyers. I kit-bashed these almost twenty years ago from the hull of a light siling vessel, a superstructure built up from sheet styrene, and the tail of a WW I spad. The forward deck gun was from the old Houston line. They still look pretty cool to me. We called them sharks because, despite the odd-sounding mix of parts, they do have a sort of graceful shark-like shape.
More encounter monsters, this time several flying predators attacking a party of Martian shield gunners. The flying predators, looking a bit like alien manta rays -- which is just about perfect for Mars in Space: 1889 -- are from the old Grenadier Models Traveller animals set. There are a lot of useful alien critters in that boxed set, if you can find it on ebay.
American Marines have stormed ashore from the Martian Queen and are now pushing inland. Note the steam tractor standing by as a towing vehicle for the Amazonian gun crew (only one figure visible at the far right).
Having captured a village, the Amazonian infantry and field gun deploy to defend the North American beachhead. The barge used to bring their heavy vehicles is visible beached in the background. Actually, the attack wasn't long in coming. Pretty much everyone in range decided to beat up on the Americans.
Starting with the Russians.
Meanwhile the French Turcos, in true light infantry style, scrambled up a jagged mountain and uncovered the fossilized remains of a large but unknown species of Martian animal.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
My Sinister Mars Needs Steam Minions
Me and Christin. Her hussar busby has a death's head skull, but with one cybernetic eye (of course) which you can just see by the plumes. It's more clear in the picture at the top of the post.
Me and Tom. That is a genuine archaeologist's pith helmet, by the way -- used by Tom when he was an undergraduate in archaeology.
Thanks a bunch, you two. Those were serious ass-kicking games. Pictures from the games tomorrow or the next day.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Space 1889 and Beyond Season 2 Preview
Season two of Space: 1889 and beyond is just about here, and Untred Reads is offering another season pass. More about that soon. But in the mean time here is the press release from Untreed Reads followed by a preview of Conspiracy of Silence, co-authored by Andy Frankham-Allen and myself.
Coming mid-August 2012
The second exciting series of steampunk adventures!
Everything Arthur Conan Doyle thought of,
but never published – because it was too fantastic!
Following on from the success of the first series, Untreed Reads Publishing is proud to present the second series of six books based on the world-renowned Role Playing Game, fully licensed from creator, Frank Chadwick, and headed by best-selling author Andy Frankham-Allen.
The series begins mid-August, and will be released bi-monthly, thus running for a whole year. Once again we’ve brought together some of the best names in fantasy fiction as well as some relatively new names to bring you a series that will continue to re-shape the popular steampunk universe first created almost twenty years ago.
This series our heroes, “Professor” Nathanial Stone and Annabelle Somerset are joined by two others on their journey through the aether. Captain Jacob Folkard, the commander of HMAS Sovereign, and another familiar face. There is much turbulence and change ahead, as secrets are unveiled, mysteries revealed, with the fate of the British Empire hanging in the balance. Think you’ve seen it all? Think again. Join Nathanial, Annabelle, Folkard and guest as they travel from one corner of the Space: 1889 universe to another, from the conspiracies that eat away at the heart of the British Empire to the underworld of Ceres, watch them as they encounter pterodactyls in the clouds above Venus, join them on their longest journey between worlds where it seems their darkest fears follow them all the way to Phobos and the mysteries contained inside that moon… Where will their journey end? Nothing is certain, except that by the end of series two the 1889-verse will be shaken to its very core!
Previously On…
At the end of the last series, Nathanial and Annabelle found themselves in something of a tight spot. Annabelle lost one of her legs due to the machinations of the manipulative French man, Le Boeuf, on an experimental heliograph station, and Nathanial found himself placed under arrest for the destruction of said station. It seemed things were looking up for them after they helped rescue Annabelle’s increasingly mad uncle, inventor Cyrus Grant, and foiled a Russian plan to secure the moon and the alien Heart at its centre. But as series one closed, Annabelle was disheartened by her uncle’s deterioration, despite the support of Lieutenant George Bedford, first officer of the Royal Navy’s flagship HMAS Sovereign, and Nathanial was left to ponder his own future. He hopes that his actions on Luna will give his innocence some credence, but is concerned about the reception awaiting him on Earth… No one but he and Annabelle survived the destruction of Peregrine station, so who is behind the charges levied against him?
Series two begins mere hours from where series one left off,
with the series creator, Frank Chadwick, joining forces with series editor,
Andy Frankham-Allen, to bring you a tour-de-force in Space: 1889
The Stories
1. Conspiracy
of Silence by Andy Frankham-Allen & Frank Chadwick2. To Ceres by Steam by Paul Ebbs
3. Leviathans of the Clouds by Steven Savile & David Parish-Whittaker
4. The Forever Journey by Oli Smith
5. A Fistful of Dust by Sharon Bidwell
6. Horizons of Deceit by Jonathan Cooper
The Team
Paul Ebbs
(left, author To Ceres by Steam) has written various Doctor Who
related things for the BBC, Big Finish Productions and BBV, and as a TV writer
he’s written for such notable shows as EastEnders, Casualty, The Bill and
Dead Ringers.
Exclusive: Conspiracy
of Silence (prologue)
SECURED and ventral mast shipped, sir.”
“Very good, Mister
Barry.” Lieutenant George Bedford, acting captain of HMAS Sovereign, the
most modern aether battleship in the Royal Navy, took a quick scan of the
bridge instruments and engine room repeaters before turning back to the young
sub-lieutenant. “At what would you estimate our drop, Mister Barry?”
Barry had only worn
the single thick stripe of a sub-lieutenant for eight months and Bedford hadn’t known him
as a midshipman. The youngster had a good level head on his shoulders, Bedford
had learned that much about him several weeks earlier when the two of them had
dropped half a dozen Saltators—giant lunar red ants—with revolver fire when the
monsters had boiled unexpectedly out of the hatch of a cutter on the docking
bay. His technical skills were another matter, but they were coming along.
Barry squinted
through the lens of the horizontal inclinometer, aimed out the bridge’s
starboard observation blister, consulted his pocket watch, waited ten seconds
and took a second reading through the lens. He paused, doing the calculation in
his head.
“I make the drop
fifty-five fathoms per second, sir.”
“Fifteen percent
buoyancy, aye, sir,” the petty officer answered and went to work on his forest
of levers, each controlling the angle of one of the liftwood louvers which
covered much of Sovereign’s lower hull.
“Mister Barry, my
compliments to Lieutenant Boswell and he may light the coal boilers at his
They wouldn’t have
enough atmospheric oxygen for the boilers for another ten minutes or so, but
Boswell, the chief engineer, knew that well enough. The sun was still visible
above the curvature of the Earth and would remain so all the way down through
cloud-free skies. Although it was not yet day in Southern
England , the eastern sky would already be pink and the sun would
rise full up in the hour their descent from orbit would take, racing as they
were toward the dawn. The solar boilers would do until Boswell put the black
gang to work, would probably suffice until the last ten minutes of the flight,
when they would penetrate the near-permanent cloud and smoke cover over Greater
London. No solar boiler yet made would work down under that grey-brown shroud.
More than that, she
held memories. Were it not for his assignment to HMAS Sovereign, he
would never have met and befriended Nathanial Stone, and would not now be
delivering him to the police for trial as a traitor and saboteur. He would
never have met Cyrus Grant, one of the greatest scientific minds of the age,
now reduced to confusion and madness by their experiences on Luna. Most
importantly, he would never have met Grant’s niece, Annabelle Somerset.
the line of Russian former captives was led to the steam omnibus waiting at
dockside. The irony of their situation and his washed over him like a cold
wave. Former enemies of Britain ,
they, along with British personnel, had been captured by the alien Drobates on
Luna, and all had been rescued by Bedford ’s
daring raid, leading fewer than a dozen Royal marines and naval ratings. Now
the Russians would be released, amidst much public fanfare, to the custody of
the Russian ambassador, who would in turn express the heartfelt gratitude of
the Tsar.
In the subsequent
fighting which had nearly cost all of them their lives, the Russians had done
nothing to help while Nathanial, with a captured Drobate electric rifle, had
held a long, dim tunnel against an alien horde, and had done so nearly alone and
with little expectation he would escape with his life. Now British soldiers
helped the Russians into the steam omnibus, showed them every courtesy, while a
quartet of hard-eyed constables marched purposely toward Nathanial, obviously
intent on taking custody of him from the two Royal Marines who guarded him.
Nathanial had at
least expected to be met by some sort of government official, have the charges
explained. Instead a black police four-wheeler loomed behind the constables.
Were they really simply going to pack him up and cart him off to prison with no
further ado?
Nathanial looked for
any sign of his friends. Captain Folkard, who had relieved himself of command
of Sovereign after the disastrous events on Luna had played themselves
out, was nowhere to be seen on the dock, but Nathanial spied Annabelle making
her way to him on the arm of Lieutenant Bedford, both of them limping. Bedford had suffered a
nasty sprain of his ankle on Luna and Annabelle… Months earlier Annabelle had
lost her right leg above the knee and now wore a mechanical limb designed by
Nathanial and built using Drobate technology over the course of the last few
weeks. It seemed to serve her well, the only bright spot in this uniformly
bleak scene.
“Is this Stone?” the
leading constable asked.
“Of course it is,”
Private Jones answered, bristling slightly. “And what of it, then?”
“It’s all right,
Private,” Nathanial said. “It is clear enough they are here for me. If you
gentlemen would be so good as to give me a moment to take my leave of my
friends, I would appreciate it.” He addressed this last to the leading
Instead the man
gestured to his assistants. “Seize him and put him in the van.”
“No! Just a moment,
please!” Nathanial entreated but to no avail.
Two constables pinned
his arms to his side and pulled him toward the black carriage. A few yards away
Annabelle cried out and broke free of Bedford ,
reached out to him. The leading constable made as if to stop her but Jones’s
rifle was suddenly in his hands at high port.
“Touch the lady,
friend, and you’ll be chokin’ on your teeth,” Jones growled and the constable
took a step back.
Annabelle said and thrust something round, flat, and metallic into his hand,
“take this and remember—never lose hope.”
The constables pulled
him away and he saw George Bedford comforting Annabelle as the doors on the
back of the van closed and plunged him into darkness. He looked at his hand and
saw a small gold watch, gleaming dully in the faint light which entered through
the overhead ventilator. He recognised it as the pocket watch her father had
given her—which contained on its inside a daguerreotype of her deceased
parents; the only thing she retained from that former life.
Never lose hope.
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